तबाह करना
तबाह करना
= DECIMATEउदाहरण : अक्षय कुमार की फिल्म 'केसरी' की शूटिंग के दौरान आग लग गई जिसने पूरे सेट को तबाह कर दिया ।Usage : the government decimated the grants by a great extent.
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= SINKउदाहरण : इस फ़ार्म ने अपने पूरे पशु चिकित्सा केंद्र को तबाह करना तय किया।Usage : the ocean is a sink for carbon dioxide
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= DESTROYUsage : the fire destroyed the house
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= DIDDLEUsage : he tried to diddle me out of my money by offering a fake investment opportunity.
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= SCATTERUsage : the flock of birds were scattered when hunter came.
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= DELETEUsage : please dont delete that document.
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= SKINUsage : your skin is the largest organ of your body
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= SCUPPERउदाहरण : गांवों की ईटों को बमबारी से तबाह कर दिया गया था।Usage : the project was scuppered by lack of money.
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= PULVERIZEUsage : the brick of the villages was pulverized by the bombardment.
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= DEPLENISHUsage : the constant logging of trees in the forest is causing it to deplenish rapidly.
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= DEPREDATEUsage : the wolves depredate on the livestock in the night.
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= DILAPIDATEUsage : started in the courtyard of a dilapidated haveli, the johri rifle club failed to generate enthusiasm.
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= SCATHEUsage : this minimizes moisture migration within the grain mass, reducing the chances of condensation and scathe.
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= HAVOCUsage : thunderstorm wreaked havoc once again and almost 60 people were killed in 4 states.
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= SCUTTLEUsage : scuttle is used to carry vegetables.
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= TEAR DOWNUsage : this feed yard was going to tear down their whole veterinary facility,
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= SHATTERUsage : my all hopes were shattered when the result was out.
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= PULL DOWNUsage : you have no right to pull down a foreign flag from a 'private premises.
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= HARRYUsage : magical objects in harry potter
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= SCOTCHUsage : do not use scotchbrite or other metal scrapers as these will scratch the waycovers
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= DOZEUsage : she was dozing in the class.
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= NIPUsage : he poured a shot of whiskey
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= DEMOLISHUsage : the wrecking ball demolished the building
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= DISAPPOINTUsage : her boyfriend let her down when he did not propose marriage
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= BREAKUsage : he finally got his big breakhe made a break for the open door